The topic of the first Jena Summer Symposium in Philosophy (JeSyP 2018) is “Mental Capacites”. This year’s distinguished guest is Professor Michael KremerExternal link (University of Chicago).
Professor Kremer’s one-day seminar on July 17th will address Gilbert Ryle’s conception of the mind in terms of dispositions and capacities. The seminar will comprise three 90-minute sessions, beginning at 11:00, and end with a dinner reception open to all. Advanced BA-students and graduate students are cordially invited to participate, if familiar with Ryle’s “The Concept of Mind” and/or surrounding debates. One of many ways for students to familiarize themselves with this topic is to take part in a suitable preparatory seminar in the summer term of 2018, for example in:
- Dirk Schröder's seminar on Ryle at the university of JenaExternal link
- Arvid Schiller's seminar on Ryle at the university of HalleExternal link
- Hannes Worthmann's seminar on practical intelligence at the university of GöttingenExternal link
- Hannes Worthmann's seminar on practical intelligence at the university of ErlangenExternal link
Call for Registration
Participation in the seminar is free and open to all, but since places are limited, students are required to register via e-mail to logik-team@uni-jena.de, stating their full name, affiliation, source of familiarity with this year’s topic (e.g. participation in a preparatory class), whether they plan to participate in the pre-read discussion after the symposium, and any further needs with respect to childcare or accessibility.