Rubik's Cube

Mental Capacities (JeSyP 2018)

Rubik's Cube
Image: Pexels (Public Domain)

JeSyP 2018 – Seminar Program

VenueZwätzengasse 4External link, seminar room

Tuesday, July 17th

  • 11:00-12:30: Session 1
    Ryle's methodology and program; introducing intellectualism and knowing how
  • 13:00: Lunch at "Zur RosenExternal link"
  • 14:30-16:00: Session 2
    Ryle on knowledge (how and that) as a multi-track capacity and achievement
  • 16:30-18:00: Session 3
    Ryle on virtue and knowledge
  • 18:15: Dinner Reception in the Department's gardenExternal link

JeSyP 2018 – Workshop Program

VenueZwätzengasse 4External link, seminar room

Wednesday, July 18th

  • 9:30-9:40: Welcome
  • 9:40-10:50: Juliette Vazard (Paris / Genève)
    Emotional capacities and cognitive agents: the case of anxiety

  • 11:20-12:30: Chenwei Nie (Warwick)
    When is a Cognitive System Immune to Delusions?

  • 13:00: Lunch at "Zur RosenExternal link"
  • 14:30-15:30: Jonas Held (Leipzig)
    Inferring as the Actualization of a Mental Capacity
  • 16:10-17:20: Gilad Nir (Leipzig)
    Intelligent Powers: Ryle on Inference and Conditionals
  • 17:50-19:00: Michael Kremer (Chicago)
    "Animals, infants and idiots": Mental Capacities and the Exclusion of the Intellectually Disabled in Ryle
  • 20:00: Workshop Dinner at "DahemeExternal link"

Thursday, July 19th

  • 9:40-10:50: Anke Breunig (Halle)
    Language, Thought, and the Myth of the Given
  • 11:20-12:30: Pablo Fernández Velasco (Paris)
    Come Closer, Famous Odysseus: A Moral Responsibility Account for the Observer Problem in Situationist Scenarios

  • 13:00: Lunch at "Zur RosenExternal link"
  • 14:30-15:30: Natalia Waights Hickman (Oxford)
    Two Avatars of the Tortoise: Rule-following and the Novelty Objection to Intellectualism
  • 16:10-17:20: Benjamin Elzinga (Georgetown)
    Knowledge as Success through Ability
  • 17:20-17:30: Closing Remarks
  • 19:00: Dinner at "StilbruchExternal link"

Pre-Read Discussion – Program

VenueZwätzengasse 4External link, seminar room

Friday, July 20th

  • 9:30-11:00: Recent work by Michael Kremer
  • 11:30-13:00: Recent work by Benjamin Elzinga
  • 13:15: Lunch at "Zur RosenExternal link"
  • 14:30-16:00: Recent work by David Löwenstein
  • 16:30-18:00: Recent work by Natalia Waights Hickman